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What They’re Saying: GOP Health Plan Lacks Substance, Attacks Seniors, Women, Americans with Disabilities

June 22, 2016

In their new "Better Way" health proposal, House Republicans unveiled their vague principles to improve our nation's health care system. But in reality, their proposals would make devastating cuts and specifically target hardworking Americans, seniors, women, and low-income families. Take a look below at what's being said about the lack of a viable GOP plan:

"The plan…is more like a mission statement"

"The plan, which isn't legislation and is more like a mission statement, lacks the level of detail that would enable a full analysis, but one thing is clear: If put in place, it would almost surely mean fewer people with health insurance, fewer people getting financial assistance for their premiums or out-of-pocket costs, and fewer consumer protections than the ACA provides."

- Huffington Post

"But the 37-page white paper falls far shortof a full-scale replacement proposal for "Obamacare" and leaves key questions unanswered, including the size of the tax credits, the overall price tag of the plan, and how many people would be covered."

- Associated Press

"The 37-page white paper is not a substitute for a nearly 3,000-word law. It contains few specific numbers or dollar amounts, leaving crucial facts needed to evaluate the plan up in the air."

- Morning Consult

"'If you live in the Republican conference … I don't think Jesus could get everyone to agree on everything,' said Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.), a physician who has attended all of the task force meetings on the health plan."


Republicans would "increase the eligibility age for Medicare"

"House Republicans are again proposing to replace the current government-run Medicarebenefit with a system of vouchers that seniors could use to offset at least part of the cost of premiums for private health plans. Ryan has called the vouchers ‘premium support.'"

- Los Angeles Times

"House Republicans would gradually increase the eligibility age for Medicare, which is now 65. Starting in 2020, the Medicare age would rise along with the eligibility age for full Social Security benefits, eventually reaching 67."

- New York Times

"Obamacare permits insurers to charge older subscribers no more than three times what they charge younger ones for the same plan in the same state. Republicans call that three-to-one ratio "unrealistic" and propose allowing a five-to-one ratio to better align premiums with costs."

- Washington Post

Platform attacks women and low-income families

"The outline would also transform the current Medicaid program for the poor by eliminating federal rules that establish who should be covered, such as poor children and pregnant women, and which benefits should be offered."

- Los Angeles Times

"The plan would provide financial assistance to consumers, much like Obamacare does, but the formula for calculating that assistance would be different, and low-income consumers would likely end up with less money. Some higher-income consumers, by contrast, would apparently get a new tax break."

- Huffington Post

"The GOP plan would rely on a combination of tax credits and assistance from a state high-risk pool to make that coverage affordable. High-risk pools, however, have a spotty record of ensuring affordable care."

- Washington Post

Prepared by Democratic Staff, House Committee on Ways and Means


Issues:Affordable Care Act